U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Auxiliary Ships

View by Design Number

Auxiliaries I

View by Design Number

for AO-22

Design 7AO

for AO-22

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for AO-22
Measure 32
Platte (AO-24)Severn (AO-61)
Taluga (AO-62)Neshanic (AO-71)
Saugatuck (AO-75)Escambia (AO-80)
Pasig (AW-3)Ataban (AW-4)

The pair of drawings for Design 7AO for the Cimarron and Ashtabula classes of fleet oilers of the T3 type maritime hulls. This drawing for Design 7AO used Measure 32 colors: dull black (BK), ocean gray (5-O) and light gray (5-L) on vertical sufaces with deck blue (20-B) on horizontal surfaces. The date of this drawing was March 1, 1944, and shows two waterlines.

This is only version of Design 7AO yet found.

Original drawing source: NARA 80-G-170039 and 80-G--170040.
