U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Auxiliary Ships

View by Design Number

Auxiliaries I

View by Design Number

for AE-9

Design 13F

for AE-9

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for AE-9
Measure 32
Lassen (AE-3)Rainier (AE-5)
Mazama (AE-9)Mount Hood (AE-11)
Wrangell (AE-12)Akutan (AE-13)
Procyron (AKA-2)Alchiba (AKA-6)
Tolland (AKA-64)Shoshone (AKA-65)
Stokes (AKA-68)Suffolk (AKA-69)
Towner (AKA-77)Venango (AKA-82)
Uvalde (AKA-88)Warrick (AKA-89)
Whiteside (AKA-90)Castor (AKS-1)

The drawing for Design 32/13F for the USS Mazama (AE-9) ammunition ship using the C2 maritime hull drawn on June 20, 1944. This drawing specifies vertical colors of light gray (5-L), ocean gray (5-O), and dull black (BK) with the horizontal color of deck blue (20-B). This drawing also has two waterlines.

This is the only Design 13F drawing yet found.

Original drawing source: NARA 80-G-176503 and 80-G-176504.
