U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Auxiliary Ships

View by Design Number


View by Design Number

for APA-117

Design 4T

for APA-117

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for APA-117
Measure 32
Hendry (APA-118)Hinsdale (APA-120)
Kenton (APA-122)Latimer (APA-152)
Lowndes (APA-154)Lycoming (APA-155)
Mellette (APA-156)Newberry (APA-158)
Deuel (APA-160)Drew (APA-162)
Edgecombe (APA-164)Fond Du Lac (APA-166)
Gage (APA-168)Gosper (APA-170)
Grines (APA-172)Jerauld (APA-174)
Kershaw (APA-176)Lander (APA-178)
Lavaca (APA-180)Oxford (APA-189)
Pickens (APA-190)Rutland (APA-192)
Sanborn (APA-193)Lenawee (APA-195)
Lubbock (APA-197)Magoffin (APA-199)
Menard (APA-201)Meriwether (APA-203)
Sibley (APA-206)Talladega (APA-208)
Telfair (APA-210)Missoula (APA-211)
Natrona (APA-214)Renville (APA-227)
Rockingham (APA-229)Rockwall (APA-230)
Bollinger (APA-234)

This is the drawing for Measure 32 Design 4T for the Haskell class of attack transports using the (VC2-S-AP5) maritime hull dated August 1, 1944. The Measure 32 vertical colors specified were dull black (BK), haze gray (5-H) and light gray (5-L) with deck blue (20-B) for the horizontal color. The landing boat colors also were specified to be haze gray. This drawing also included two waterlines. This drawing was also mislabeled APA-110 vice APA-117.

The first Design 4T drawing was for USS Harris (APA-2) on January 11, 1944, as above. Design 4T was then drawn for the Harry Lee class of attack transports on March 9, 1944. Then 4T was drawn for USS Boreas (AF-8) on April 5, 1944, and on April 7 for USS President Polk (AP-103) a (C3A-P&C) maritime hull. On July 5, 1944, Design 4T was issued for the Sumter class of attack transports using a (C2-S-E1) maritime hull and again on August 1, 1944, for the Haskell class attack transports with (VC2-S-AP5) maritime hulls.

Original drawing source: NARA 80-G-176517 and 80-G-176518.
