U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Auxiliary Ships

View by Design Number


View by Design Number

for APA-10

Design 4T

for APA-10

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for APA-10
Measure 32
Harry Lee (APA-10)

These are the two drawings for Measure 32 Design 4T for the Harry Lee class of attack transport dated March 9, 1944. The vertical colors for Measure 32 were again dull black (BK), ocean gray (5-O) and light gray (5-L) with deck blue (20-B) for the horizontal color. The boats colors were not specifically identified, but appeared to blend with their background. This drawing included the full underwater hull, but had no end views.

The first Design 4T drawing was for USS Harris (APA-2) on January 11, 1944, as above. Design 4T was then drawn for the Harry Lee class of attack transports on March 9, 1944. Then 4T was drawn for USS Borias (AF-8) on April 5, 1944, and on April 7 for USS President Polk (AP-103) a (C3A-P&C) maritime hull. On July 5, 1944, Design 4T was issued for the Sumter class of attack transports using a (C2-S-E1) maritime hull and again on August 1, 1944, for the Haskell class attack transports with (VC2-S-AP5) maritime hulls.

Original drawing source: NARA 80-G-170028 and 80-G-170029.
