U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Auxiliary Ships

View by Design Number


View by Design Number

for AP-130

Design 13T

for AP-130

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for AP-130
Measure 32
Gen. T. H. Bliss (AP-131)Gen. Oswald H. Ernst (AP-133)
Gen. W. M. Black (AP-135)Gen. S. D. Sturgis (AP-137)
Gen. R. E. Callan (AP-139)Gen. A. W. Greely (AP-141)
Gen. W. C. Langfitt (AP-151)

The drawing for Measure 32 Design 13T for the General G. O. Squier class transports using the (C4-S-A1) maritime hull dated May 17, 1944. This drawing specified Measure 32 vertical colors of light gray (5-L), ocean gray (5-O), and dull black (BK) with the horizontal color of deck blue (20-B).

The earliest drawing of Design 13T was on May 17, 1944, for the General G. O. Squier class of transports as shown above. On June 2, 1944, Design 13T was redrawn for the Cimarron class fleet oilers.

Original drawing source: NARA 80-G-173480 and 80-G-173481.
