U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945

Destroyer Escorts

View by Design Number

John C. Butler

View by Design Number

for DE-339

Design 3D (ex)

for DE-339

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for DE-339
Measure 32
Jaccard (DE-355)

Measure 33
Jaccard (DE-355)

The combined drawings for the John C. Butler class of destroyer escorts showing the experimental version of Design 3D with Measure 32 colors on starboard and Measure 33 colors on port. The drawings were dated September 4, 1944, and were intended for the camouflage tests that were conducted in October of 1944.

Original drawing sources: NARA 80-G-104901 and 80-G-104902.
