U.S. Navy Ships in WWII Dazzle Camouflage 1944-1945


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for BB-46

Design 7D

for BB-46

Design Number Silhouette Ships Wearing Design
for BB-46
Measure 31
Maryland (BB-46)

The Design drawing for camouflage carried by USS Maryland (BB-46) has not yet been found, but probably was drawn in 1943, since Maryland was photographed in this camouflage in early October 1943 and again in April 1944. Fleet Maintenence Office (FMO) of Pacific Fleet Service Force (ServPac) sent a speedletter to Pearl Harbor on October 8, 1943, requesting the painting of BB-46 in Measure 31 using drawings supplied by FMO, probably this drawing. The vertical colors were probably Measure 31: dull black and haze gray. The October photo shows Maryland probably painting or repainting this camouflage. Maryland's camouflage has been labeled with other design numbers, but I feel that it most closely resembles Design 7D especially from the port side. Also, Maryland was designated to receive camouflage Measure 31/7D in a memo from PacFleet to BuShips in August 1943.

A Design 7D drawing was attached to the July 15, 1943, memo to PacFleet for the DD-381 Somers class of destroyers. On August 19, 1943, it appeared for the Fletcher class destroyers. Design 7D was redrawn for the Farragut class destroyers, the Gamble class light minelayers and for the Chandler class high speed minesweepers; it was worn by, at least, USS Gamble (DM-15), USS Sicard (DM-21) and USS Hamilton (DMS-18). This design was also slightly modified and drawn for the Portland class heavy cruisers on March 21, 1944, using three colors and worn by the cruisers USS Portland (CA-33) and USS Indianapolis (CA-35) and it was worn by the battleship USS West Virginia (BB-48).

Original drawing source: NARA 80-G-000000.
